Electro-flare |
This compact device produces a bright flare light when it is thrown. This will highlight enemy units in the vicinity of the electro-flare during night time missions.
Medi-kit |
The medi-kit combines a healing facility with pain killers and stimulants.
Mind Probe |
The mind probe is an alien communication device which is used to take information directly from brain waves. X-COM units can use this device in combat to display an alien's characteristics.
Motion Scanner |
This sophisticated device uses a variety of detectors and advanced computer algorithms to identify moving enemy units. However, it requires practice to use effectively. Static unis will not be detected.
Psi-Amp |
The Psi-amp can only be used by soldiers with psionic skill. There are two types of psionic attacks: panic unit and mind control.
Smoke Grenade |
Smoke grenades are useful for providing cover in exposed combat situations. Use with care because they can benefit the enemy as well.
Stun Rod |
This device can only be used in close combat, but will stun a living organism without killing it by using electric shocks.